学校: 护理
学位类型: 学士学位
格式: 面对面
学生类型: Traditional Undergraduate



我们的护理课程旨在教育和培养具有不同背景的学生,使他们成为为患者辩护的专业护士. 教师和学生共同发展和培养未来的护士谁是自我意识和舒适的多元文化环境. Our students demonstrate professional skill, 道德实践, 富有同情心的护理, 具有合作精神,致力于终身学习和卓越护理.

我们有特定的, 学生在成功完成我们的四个学期BSN学位课程后达到的可衡量目标:

  • Grade Point Average (GPA) > 2.5,
  • Satisfaction with the Program > 80%,
  • RN许可 > 90% for all takers in a calendar year, and
  • Employed in any capacity at 12 months post-graduation > 70%

RN许可 Process

亚博体育(WP)大学护理系遵循俄勒冈州护理委员会(OSBN)(俄勒冈州护士实践法案-第21部门)要求的注册护士执照法规。. BSN students who have completed all program requirements are eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN; however, 项目和NCLEX-RN的成功并不保证有资格获得注册护士执照. 特别是,OSBN可能不会许可与先前犯罪历史有关的某些个人.

如果担心与健康有关的诊断或调查结果对犯罪背景调查的影响, 鼓励学生联系OSBN或将提交执照申请的州的护理委员会. OSBN根据具体情况进行审查,但不能保证学生有资格获得注册护士执照.

WP的BSN学位课程在学士学位课程的最后一个学期为学生提供有关注册护士执照和NCLEX-RN申请过程的信息. OSBN provides necessary related steps: (a) students apply to the OSBN and pay required fees; (b) after all final grades have been posted, the BSN Degree Program’s Nurse Administrator (Dean) submits the date of graduation through the OSBN portal; (c) still eligible graduates receive an email from Pearson-Vue that includes an Authorization to Test with a proposed testing date/site. OSBN resolves any licensure issues after all steps have been completed.


To gain entry to the WPU 护理 Program, applicants must complete:

  • Warner Pacific University application
  • 通过WPU记录办公室的成绩单分析验证累积平均绩点(GPA)为2.5 or higher from all previous college coursework.
  • 护理申请论文回答以下问题:多样性是亚博体育的核心主题, 增加护理的多样性是护理学部的一个目标. In 500 words or less (typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins), 请讨论为什么你认为在医疗保健服务中有不同的人是很重要的,以及将来你将如何为护理的多样性做出贡献.
  • 提交有关当前或以前医疗保健经验的信息. 您可以上传一份简历或简短的回复,说明任何当前或以前的医疗保健经验和教育背景, 培训, 许可证, or certification you have had in a healthcare-related field (e.g., LPN, CNA, EMT, Military Medic, etc.).
  • 提交两名专业推荐人及其联系方式.


  • 人体解剖学 & Physiology series (not introductory), equivalent to two semesters, completed within the past seven years
  • 1 course in Microbiology with lab, completed within the past seven years
  • 1 course in Chemistry with lab (>100 level), completed within the past seven years
  • 1 college level Math course (>100 level)
  • 1 course in General Psychology
  • 1 course in General Sociology
  • 1 course in Life-Span Human Development
  • Junior standing with completion of WPU general education core requirements
  • 通过WPU记录办公室的成绩单分析验证累积GPA为2.在过去七年内修习的所有科学必修课程成绩达到5分或以上. Note: For science courses taken more than once in the past seven years, 记录办公室将使用前两次尝试中较高的GPA进行计算.
  • 护理部门保留要求面试(虚拟或面对面)的权利,以确定是否适合BSN学位课程. 护理部门将做出决定,并通过电话和电子邮件通知被录取的学生. 那些被下一届BSN学位课程录取的学生将提交200美元的学费押金以确保他们的名额.

BSN Application Process



ILR 300 | Advanced Information Literacy and Research | 3 credits
NURS 210 | Interprofessionalism | 2 credits
NURS 301 | Pathophysiology | 3 credits
NURS 302 | Pharmacology | 3 credits
REL 320 | 灵性, Character & 服务| 3学分
NURS 336 | 健康 Assessment & 健康 Promotion | 4 credits
NURS 340 | Medical-Surgical 护理 I: Providing Care | 5 credits ‡
NURS 350 | 多样性, Equity & Advocacy | 3 credits
NURS 370 | Research, Statistics & Evidence-Based Practice | 3 credits
NURS 380 | Maternal & Neonatal 健康 护理 | 3 credits ‡
NURS 390 | Elective Externship | 2-3 credits
NURS 400 |孩子 & Adolescent 健康 护理 | 3 credits ‡
NURS 410 |家庭 & Community 健康 护理 | 3 credits ‡
NURS 440 | Medical-Surgical 护理 II: Managing Care | 6 credits ‡
NURS 460 | Leadership I: Epidemiology, Prevention & Informatics | 3 credits
NURS 470 | Mental 健康 护理 | 3 credits ‡
NURS 480 | Leadership II: Caring, Safety & Leadership | 3 credits
HUM 310 | Exploring the Human Condition | 3 credits
NURS 490 | Leadership III: Leadership & Management Capstone | 6 credits ‡

‡ Indicates course includes both didactic and clinical components.



PO1:通过深入和广泛的文科接触,提供专业的护理服务, sound critical thought, and a synthesis of 道德, 法律, and moral standards.
目标2:展示以人为本的护理管理方法,与关注所有人的需求相平衡, with compassion for those who are underserved, a commitment to justice and mercy, and respect for difference that flows from a grounded self-awareness.
PO3: Demonstrate sound self-management that enables perseverance, 适应性, successful functioning in the midst of ambiguity and paradox, and the ability to address priorities appropriately.
PO4: Communicate 有效的ly with diverse patients, 家庭, healthcare providers, and community members.
PO7: Incorporate health promotion and disease and injury prevention, based on current evidence, into nursing practice with individuals, 家庭, 组, 社区, 和人口.
PO8: Participate in planning, 实现, and evaluating healthcare technology to facilitate safe, 有效的, 道德, and cost-有效的 patient care.
目标9:利用领导和沟通技巧,促进持续改进影响当地患者和社区的护理和保健做法和政策, 在全国范围内, 和全球.
PO11:计划, 实现, and evaluate person-centered, 目标导向的护理基于对不同个体的整体评估, 家庭, 组, 社区, 和人口 across the lifespan, including compassionate end of life care.

Our Bachelor of Science in 护理 prepares you for a career in:

  • 临终关怀
  • Hospitals and Emergency Rooms
  • International Medical 任务 护理
  • 军事/ V.A. 任命
  • 护士教育
  • RN案例管理
  • 公共卫生
  • 学校健康



Headshot of Kathleen FinchFor any questions about the 护理 program or the application process, please email Kathleen Finch at nursing@maidin-china.com.

Meet our 护理 教师

博士图像. 琳达•坎贝尔

Dr. 琳达•坎贝尔

护理学院院长 & Professor of 护理

Division of: 护理
电话: 503-517-1041
Image of 费尔南达命运


Assistant Professor of 护理

Division of: 护理
电话: 503-517-1693


Associate Professor/Nurse Educator

Division of: 护理
电话: 503-517-1140
Image of 凯尔VanderSchick


Assistant Professor/Nurse Educator

Division of: 护理
电话: 503-517-1030

